Saturday, January 3, 2009

50 ways to leave your worry

I've learned that one of the greatest thing you can bring with you as you fight against boredom when you travel - waiting for flight boarding or check-in, train or plain traveling, and all the other humdrum in between - is to bring a book with you.

In my latest travel (to Hangzhou and Shanghai), I was accompanied with a book entitled "You've Gotta Be Kidding!" by Mary Hollingsworth. It's a book filled with inspirational stories, quotes and quips. I laveettt! I'm one of those who truly believed that God created laughter and I wanna make full use of it.

I came across page 43 with the page title - 50 ways to leave your worry. I shared this to two students who painstakingly toured me around Hangzhou and now I wanna share it with you, dear readers, no matter how few you may be. I pray that 2009 may be worry free for all of us, that we may learn to accept more and more God's gift of laughter and live lives to the full because in the grand scheme, we are so much loved and cared for.

Here are some ways to leave your worry, may it bless you as it did to me. Cheers for 2009!

1.Give thanks for the sunrise.

2. Stretch.

3. Try yodeling while brushing your teeth.

4. Be friends with positive people.

5. Doodle.

6. Take a deep breath right now.

7. Ask how big your present crisis will seem one year from now. Ten years from now.

8. Skip stones on the water.

9. Make shadow animals on the wall.

10. Practice saying "no" in front of a mirror.

11. Don't know all the answers today.

12. When you can, walk in the rain.

13. When you can, have a water fight.

14. Thank God for a friend's newer car.

15. Duplicate your face on the photocopier, fax it to someone.

16. Praise others.

17. Listen to music with your eyes closed.

18. Build a paper airplane. Throw it.

19. Sing loudly in the car. Roll down the windows.

20. Say hello to strangers.

21. Give the thumbs-up to moving vans.

22. Listen more.

23. Sneeze louder.

24. Read good books more than once.

25. Give a spouse or child a backrub.

26. Get help with jobs you dislike.

27. When on airplanes remove your shoes. Be careful with this one.

28. Plant something each spring.

29. Talk to your kids.

30. Talk to your neighbors.

31. Talk to your plants.

32. Exercise.

33. Smile.

34. Rest this Sunday.

35. Learn a good, clean joke.

36. Be grace full.

37. Play football with a roll of toilet paper.

38. Find a child and read Winnie the Pooh together.

39. Avoid negative people.

40. Buy a flower, smell it before you give it away.

41. Sing in the shower. Use the soap for a microphone.

42. Read a poem.

43. Whistle hymns.

44. Tickle your kids.

45. Try something new.

46. Have an oldies night once a month.

47. Take a humor walk - don't come home until you've laughed about something.

48. Enjoy a good yawm.

49. Thank God for the sunset.

50. Get enough sleep.

P.S. - Pic above were me and my friend Mira during our Christmas party celebration in Tianjin, China.