Friday, September 5, 2008

nugget of the week

For some years now, I am one of those that are blessed by receiving author John Mason's Nugget of the Week by e-mail. These nuggets are features lifted from his books like: You Are Born An Original, Don't Die A Copy, An Enemy Called the Average, and Taming An Enemy Called The Average, to name a few.
This morning, I received another nugget and was once again blessed. It's worth reading, and meditating, until the very end of the article. What's even more touching is that in the article, my name was really in it.
God never fails to amaze me by using things, like an email, to greet my day. And thank God, for John Mason!

To: Ann Catherine
From: God
Date: Today
Re: What I Think About

I want to tell you that I have known you since before
the foundations of time. I even know the hairs on your head. I put you
together on purpose for a purpose. I looked at you and saw that you were
fearfully and wonderfully made. I even created you in my image.

know the plans that I have for you. Plans to prosper and not to harm you. Plans
to give you a hope and a future.

I also gave you gifts to prepare
and equip you for the plans I have for you. These gifts I've given are
irrevocable. Don't neglect them. Exercise them and stir them

Ann Catherine, I want you to be confident about this: When I
begin a good work in you I will carry it on to completion until the day of
Christ Jesus.

Although you may encounter tribulations in this
world, I want you to know that in me you have peace. Be of good cheer. I
have overcome the world.

I am not slack concerning my promises.
Forever my Word is settled in heaven and my faithfulness to all generations.
When I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; When I have purposed it, I
will also do it.

You can look to me as a refuge and strength, a
very present help in trouble. Cast your burdens upon me and I will sustain you.
I shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. Come unto me when you labor and
are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. For I am your rock, your fortress,
your deliverer, your strength in whom you can trust. Though you fall you shall
not be utterly cast down, for I will uphold you with my hand.

listen to the ungodly, don't stand with sinners, and don't sit with the
scornful. But rather delight yourself all day long in my Word. If you do, you
will be like a tree planted by the river. You will bring forth fruit in season
and whatever you do will prosper.

Finally, Ann Catherine, I want
you to know I love you. I love you so much I gave my only begotten Son. When you
believe in Him, you will not die but have healing, freedom, victory,
forgiveness, and eternal life!