Sunday, September 21, 2008

the Beijing experience, and some randoms (part 1)

Have been telling myself to update my blog but something always gets in the way. I admit I no longer have the passion for blogs the way I had before when my multiply was so alive and kicking it felt like I have something to write everyday. But of course things were different back then...and now is what I have to deal with.

Anyway, lots of things have been going on in this sweet (and sour? nah!) life of mine. Last week, I and three of my friends went to Beijing. Yes, Beijing - the capital of China, where the 2008 Olympics was held, and the Paralympics as well.

I remember many years ago, my father's boss gave him a calendar made of cloth with the painting of the Great Wall on it. And since it was made of cloth, it survived for a long time. It was hanged on our sala for many years...

And I never thought that one day I will be able to see not just the bigger painting, but the real one...the Great Wall with all its wonder.

I remember telling a friend once that I wish I know what the future holds. "Don't even think about it cos if you do, you'll go crazy!" he said. He was funny in many ways but he said those words seriously. And I do agree with him.

Who could have known that I will one day live in China? Or that one day I'll be a teacher surrounded with Chinese students. I mean, I did not even thought that one day I'll step into the Ice and Snow World in Harbin when months before that I was just gawking at the pics of it from the internet.

You'll never really know what life throws at you. And I am glad that I only have the present to live and the future is like one big wrapping paper to another.

And so, in Beijing, 99 percent of the time we used the buses and subway to get us around. In that way, we had the experience to live like Beijingers do - rubbing elbows inside buses and subways, jerking and holding tight at the steel bars every time the engine machine screeches, and asking around at the many times we lost ourselves in that big city.

We stayed in Liang Cheng Hotel in Qianmen Lu, a stones throw away from Tian'anmen Square and The Forbidden City. The Paralympics was ongoing the whole time we were there (Sept. 13-15) so you could just imagine the many travelers - local and international - roaming around the Beijing streets. Across the street, opposite side of our hotel, was a very

busy street with probably a hundred small shops where you can do a lot of bargaining.

What got me really excited though was the Silk Street, one bus ride away from the hotel. The place is made especially for foreigners and so the vendors know how to speak many languages - English, Russians, etc. And they know how to charm shoppers. One time, I was looking at a black sleeveless dress, and the vendor, sensing my interest, casted her spell (or spill) on me. The conversation goes like this:

Vendor: Hello, beautiful girl. Do you like this?
Me: Yes, it's nice!
Vendor: It's only 480 RMB
Me: Oh no, that's so expensive!
Vendor: Okay, how much you like?
Me: 50?
Vendor: Oh, beautiful girl, you're killing me!
Me: I'm not, believe me.
Vendor: Okay, 200.
Me: Hmmmm, 50!
Vendor: Stop that, beautiful girl. Give me a real price!
Me: 50 is a real price.
Vendor: Ahhh, you're really killing me. Come here! (grabs my elbow and
whispers in my right ear ---- "Don't tell your friends, I'm giving it to you for
120...that's the best price.")
Me: Hahhaha, you're so nice. But there are many shops here, I'm gonna go
and look and I'll go back here to buy that stuff.
Vendor: No, beautiful it now. It's very cheap! (She grabs my
elbow again, this time it's quite tight)
Me: I'll be back. (Tries to pull myself from her grip, its getting
Vendor: No, buy now! Buy now!
Me: I'll be back (I had the serious look which reads "This is not

And the vendor let go of me but still tried to convince me. She was on her way to reach out to me, probably to grip me once again. It was almost like I heard a buzz on my brain that sounded like "caution, caution!". Before her hand landed on my arm, I was already far from her.

I ran away from her like crazy. I guess I overdid it cos some people glanced at me with a horror-look on their faces.

Is that funny, or what?

(to be continued)

First pic on this post was on Qianmen Lu, while the second pic was with friends outside Silk Street/Pearl Market, from left: me with Bonie, Joy and Ren.