Tuesday, February 16, 2010

new years and birthdays

The good thing about new years and birthdays is that they don't only tell you how fast time flies, but they also tell you how faithful God is. That as you look back at what had been, you can't help but thank the big Guy above for being there.

Another thing about new years and birthdays is that they are suppose to tell us that the good things are up ahead. I said supposed to, because not all of us sees it that way.

This morning, I woke up telling God I'm somehow confused what my next step will be. Will I stay here, or am I gonna start looking for something/somewhere else? Do I need to find some things else that I can find inspiration to? I was asking whether I've been so attached to what I have that God could no longer move me to somewhere else. You know, if God wants you to move somewhere, He could not do it on His own without your permission. That's why He gives us freewill. It has to have our decision and choice.

After some time, I'd have to ask myself, is it a heart not focused on the Maker that's why questions like this arise?

One thing I learned though, it's today. Today. There's no use looking back at what was behind me, or of wishing tomorrow's going to fix the issues. What I have is today, this God-given time for me to move into where He and I wants for tomorrow.

When I followed Brenden Brown (pastor/worship leader/ Christian singer) in twitter, he sent me a direct message saying his thanks and telling me that the best days are ahead.

And this morning, I remember that as I watched Rob Bell's NOOMA entitled "Today".

Somehow, even if we get stuck or lazy at focusing on God, He has His way of sending a message that would dig deep to the core and make you notice and hear. I so like that attitude of God, He knows so well I slack in many parts of my faithwalk but His grace is always, always available.

Thank God.

So about new years and birthdays...they are reminders that the best days are ahead. Why? Because God is good, faithful...and He knows what He is doing. I have Jeremiah 29:11 to prove that.

And speaking of new year --- xinnian kuiale! 新年快乐!It felt like a total warzone when the Chinese started lighting fireworks and firecrackers for the Chinese New Year. It looked pretty from outside my window, but at some point (especially on the eve of Feb. 14), the noise from fireworks and firecrackers got crazily loud...and I think that's the fun of it all.

Aside from the Chinese New Year, the past days were also two of my friends' birthdays - Glenda and Ruby. The pictures above was during our visit to TEDA, Tianjin (yesterday)...to celebrate Ruby's birthday.

So whether it's a birthday or New Year celeb, I hope and pray I'd always remember to thank God for today...and realize that today is the key for best days ahead. =)

