Thursday, February 19, 2009

Macau, and beyond

Wynn's Fountain Show

Senado Square

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return." (Leonardo da Vinci)

After my travel to Macau, I realized that I'm thirsty for more. More of culture besides what I know, more places to tread on, more interesting people to meet, more experiences to take on my backpack and bring with me as I journey towards life.

So I agree with Leonardo da Vinci, when you experience something that blew your mind away, you wanted to search for more of it. And what I have seen are, in my opinion, just the tip of the iceberg.

Yesterday, on my way to the school via the school bus, I was listening to this talk by Paul Manwaring of Bethel Church in California and he said something that made me say, "Yes, you are soooo true!

He said, "See what's happened is that we've been raised in a culture that somehow says, this is the way you do the Christian life, it's full of these disciplines but it's not about enjoying the planet on which we live. And yet this planet on which we live, is this expression of the beauty of God. And He's expressed himself because why? He wants us to step in and to go closer into Him, to understand Him and move into intimacy."

I don't know about you, but the more I travel, the more I revere God. It's like He made all these places - whether modern or ancient, preserved wholely or just the remains - because He knew that one day I will gaze at them. And my gaze would move from what's naked in the eyes to what's beyond them.

Thus, seating in the park near Macau's Ruins of St. Paul one evening, enjoying my dinner - three pieces of egg tarts and iced tea, I thought about how gracious it is to find solitude amidst traversing in a foreign land, to stop after a long day of movement, or to have a heart-to-heart talk to Someone who saw, and is part of all the days of history and have known from the beginning that as I step on this land, I would think of Him.