Thursday, October 2, 2008

online proposal

Some weeks ago, an online friend asked me if I could be his girlfriend.

With the world bridging the distance amongst people by the power of the internet, you can't help but meet people on-line who are interested to find someone special - online.

It took me days to respond to that person's e-mail. It's not that I did not know my answer because I did, and I had no confusion whatsoever on what I feel towards this person. Here are some of my considerations, important considerations before starting a relationship:

1. Friendship first. Friendship is very important to me before anything else. I read a book before that says love is like a long-stemmed rose, the stem is the friendship and the rose is the love. Without the stem (friendship), the rose (love) would die because all the sustenance that keeps the rose alive is through the stem.

2. No long distance, please. I used to think that a long distance relationship is fine. And I mean the long distance relationship that is really long distance from the very start, you haven't seen this person, you just met him online and work it out online. Maybe it works for some people but I don't think it is for me. Now if I already know the person in real life and we have to work out a long-distance one after, then that's a completely different story.

3. Common interest. I need someone who believes in the same thing that I believe in, especially in my spirituality. They say that opposites attract, nice one, but at the core of the relationship, what keeps it holding on is what is common - the values and what a couple believes in. Just a two-cents.

4. Sincerity. I am 27 and is not looking for someone who is just playing. Go look for one somewhere else. Understand?

5. Intelligence. If you are to be with me for a long haul, then might as well have lots of interesting stuff in your mind because I can't stand shallowness, if there is such a word.

I guess I can add a few other things on what I mentioned above but that will do for now. And for that online guy, I did respond to him so he got his answers. And I guess you can figure out what it was.

That's another one on my "Charge to singlehood experience" list.