Sunday, November 30, 2008


Today, I thank God for..

The friend who told me he misses me, because that means that he treasured our friendship.

The Chinese taxi driver who played English RnB songs when he realized that I am a "way guo ren" (foreigner). I really enjoyed the beat, then my phone rung, and even without me signaling him to lower the volume, he immediately did. Sweet!

That little boy in church who asked people to pray for his daddy who's going through medical treatment. "Please pray for my dad so that he can play with me again." That's why Jesus loves children, their eyesights are not blurred and hazy, they know what matters and their needs are simple.

For my friend, John, who doesn't get pissed by my jokes (well, I really hope he doesn't. lol.). After church, I asked him if he is going to join us (me with great Indo friends) for lunch. He said he can't cos he is going to join a friend for lunch. So I asked if he is going with a girlfriend. "No, it's a boy!" I guess John noticed my face turned from a smug glow to a teasing grin.

"So, you're going to have lunch with your boy friend?"

John has been very patient with me when I make fun of him. He is not a funny guy, quite serious actually. For one who is studying Chinese Traditional Medicine for three years, I would say who wouldn't be serious? But the good thing about John is that when I strike a joke at him, or when my fun-loving self gets the better of me, he knows exactly what to tell me, "time for your meds, granny!"

For Indonesian friends. They are happy people - Henny, Helen, Kristine, Iwan, Henry, Ronald and Denny. In the past weeks that I meet with them every Saturday for the Bible study, I've been utterly blessed by how their hearts have been so open for the love of Jesus. And it shows even without them telling me. They are filled with joy. They easily laugh, which makes my time with them very cozy cos I don't have to pull some teeth to make them laugh at my jokes.

I'm thankful to God that I met them. It started in church when I sat behind them and they turned to me and asked if I am from Tianjin University. And the rest, as they say, is history. (By the way, the lunch we had today was fun, we should do it again. Iwan's treat? lol!)

For Suffi. Though we did not see each other today, we kept in touch by sms. I'm thankful for her because God spoke to me many times through my friendship with Suffi.

There was a time when I had my hair cut short and she was with me. I complained about how I don't like the style, et. al, and she asked me, "You don't like changes, do you?" I was speechless because that time God has been speaking to me a lot about changes, and I guess her question confirmed what God has been trying to tell me - to accept changes, to let go of things that I've been holding on so much because though they are not bad in itself, but I don't need them in my journey anymore; to be open for changes in directions because if I'm not then God could never take me to experience new roads and adventures.

It's amazing, I have so many other things to be thankful about, but I couldn't write it all here cos they are soooo many, and my time is running short (it's 12:34 in the morning --- good morning!)

And I realized one thing - a blessed person is a thankful person. I should be writing more here about the people/situations that I am so grateful to have in my life.



And how can I not thank you - yes, YOU, the one reading this blog right now. If you have gone this far in the blog, then I am blessed by your patience. I am not an engaging storyteller, but you have gone this far to read my thoughts. I am blessed by you!

pic labels (above):
1. Me, John and Suffi. The pic was taken last Summer at church.
2. Bible study with Helen (front) 2nd row - Kristin, Ronald, Suffi, Denny, Iwan, and 3rd row - Henny, Henry and yours truly. ;)