Friday, January 15, 2010

cebu, cebu!

It's nice to be back even for just a few weeks. Hello from Cebu!



thanks 2009, hello 2010!

After a long hiatus, I am back. No need of an applause, in fact, I'm here to play hermit and obey what my hands will lead me as the brain thinks and the fingers tap.

I have to admit, I've never done so much thinking lately. I needed to do a lot - family time, time with pets, visiting friends, processing documents, household chores, reading books, Chinese studies, twitter, facebook, emails, and lots more.

Thus, until now, I still am asking myself what 2010 means to me, and my plans, and dreams, and wishes. There are probably a lot, or maybe much remains the same.

The reason why until now I'm still asking myself is because I haven't done much praying lately. Yes, I am sorry and I admit it. My prayer time these days are those that's composed of thanksgiving and short pauses when reading something online that requires prayer, or when I think of someone and the voice inside me says I need to lift it up in prayer but other than those, I know I needed time to sit, and listen, or praise and worship...and just be still before Him. Allow Him to soak me in His presence, stay longer and just be with Him.

And I miss doing that.

It's 2010 and I havent done much thinking because I havent doing much staying with Him. I know He is my planner, and I know the desires of my heart comes from Him alone, that's why I won't be making plans unless I've talked it over with Him, or received it from Him.

In 2009, God taught me much about grace. In fact, I realized lately that my whole life will be all about grace. Twenty plus some years ago, a couple who were new parents decided to give their baby girl a name "Ann Catherine" though they had no idea that the name means "pure grace". Or should I say that before time begun, a God who knows what earth would be like, including its inhabitants and the planets and stars surrounding it, had in his mind what my name would be and what I would become.

My life's a story of pure grace.

My sins were forgiven, and I mean all, even those I haven't done yet. My mistakes would work together for good. The weapons and schemes fashioned against me will remain a failure until the end. I am a bearer of great light even though I so many times see the darkness in me. God's grace and goodness follows me all the days of my life even though many times I get confused at how God works in my life.

It's a story of pure grace because all these favors that I have and will have is not supposed to be mine but Jesus'. It still blows my mind to think of a powerful God who came to be man and took all my sins as His, but when I think about His love, though my understanding is foggy for now, I'd think about stars and butterflies and rainbows, and birds chirping, cool breeze on a hot day, or proper heater on a harsh winter. I'd think about beauty, and goodness, and love that comes from the inmost being - true, pure and gentle...and Him, the lover who stays true though my season changes. Him whose waiting as I frazzle myself with things that wouldnt matter an hour after. It's just grace - His grace. It comes not from a power from me but from beyond me, from Him alone.

And so for 2010, the story of pure grace continues - of God adventures, of laughters and friends, of opportunities and risks, of victories and learnings, of travels to places that I've never been, or visits to places I've gone, of the lovewalks and hugs and its ups and downs...of so many other things only a God so wise and loving could create.

Just pure grace.

2010, jia you! 加油!

