Saturday, October 17, 2009


Tonight, I want to hug every person I meet, and sing, and worship God, and laugh hard.

But here I am, tapping these lines...writing. I wanna go back to writing, this first love. This first passion that will be with me until the end of my life.

I know I have stories to tell, and I also know that some may not listen. I know I have it, but I'm so afraid, or lazy, or forgetful of this.

But tonight, the inspiration comes, in the form of a person, or of a music, or of an action so free and unfettered.

So before life takes its toll and takes this inspiration away, this unwriter writer uses the magic of the moment to capture what is formed from the present state, for tomorrow this may fade away as another day breaks, and as another story comes.

Tonight, I wanna thank the Author of stories for allowing me to see at this time, this person, this music, this action...that forms into an inspiration that may never be here tomorrow.

The fleeting ticking of the clock, it's sound, makes its way into my ears...and I know for certain that the the life of the moment ends as this line ends.

And starts again.

But it's never gonna be the same.


