Thursday, May 26, 2011

go for broke...

"Go for broke. Always try and do too much. Dispense with safety nets. Take a deep breath before you begin talking. Aim for the stars. Keep grinning. Be bloody-minded. Argue with the world. And don't forget that writing is as close as we get to keeping a hold on the thousand and one things - childhood, certainties, cities, doubts, dreams, instant phrases, parents, loves - that go on slipping , like sand, through our fingers." - Salman Rushdie

I don't want for them to just slip by.
I had to write and continue writing.



Tuesday, April 5, 2011

back from my hiatus

It's been a long time, I've turned blog shy already. Thank God I'm back.

Here are the things that happened in my life for the past 5 months:

1. Enrolled at University of the Philippines Online University for Masters in Development Communication. I took two subjects last term and goodness, it was nerve-wracking! What with me taking two major subjects for my first term, truly a lot of work but yeah, I made it!

2. With my passion for writing, I joined Tianjin Plus, a magazine catering to foreigners in Tianjin. Now, I'm one of the editors (kuno!) and I'm loving it!

3. Finished my documentary for my major subject DevCom 207 Audio and Video Production. My documentary was about this Filipina who is teaching English in a Korean school here in Tianjin, China. I learned a lot from my production and I promised myself that it will never be my last production. I'm farming ideas for my next production, just for fun.

4. Visited Pinas for a month and a half. I arrived last week of December and went back here in Tianjin first week of Feb. While at home, I was always facing the computer and doing my masters project but aside from that, I enjoyed long talks with my parents. Truly priceless!

5. Visited my grandpa's brother. While in Pinas, I had this one long talk with my mom and we talked about my deceased grandpa's brother, Lolo Flor, who happens to be sick that time. The family is not well-off and needs help. The next day, me, my mom and cousin went grocery shopping and brought all the goods to Lolo Flor's house. It was a wonderful experience. Last month, Lolo Flor passed away. =(

6. This semester, I have this funny student named Jim. Jim is the kind of student who, even if his English isn't that good, would try his best to participate in class and even if his answers are wrong and funny, he'd give a good laugh about it. Well, one day in class we were talking about Chinese culture and Jim made mention of Zhongshan Zhuang, a Chinese tunic suit popularly known by foriegners as the Mao Suit. Since I don't know by that time what he meant, I joked that maybe he can wear it to class next time. It was just a joke but Jim took it seriously. The next week, he wore Zhongshan Zhuang! And what's more touching is that he ordered it online and bought it for more than a hundred CNY, which is not cheap! I felt sorry for Jim but as a teacher, I just felt so inspired. It's like a whole new zest in teaching was given to me. So, thank you, Jim!

7. I have always been vocal about my faith yet its not something that I force on people or let's just say I'm not the preachy type. Yet when you read my older posts you'd realize that I write about it a lot. The past months I felt like I've been too comfortable with where I am. Yes, I've been busy but with that I have depended so much on my own strength and not on God. The past weeks, I found myself going to bed and talking to God through my tears. I know that I have drifted and I miss what we used to have. And God's grace was and is sufficient. I love Him more for that.

8. One Sunday on our Bible Study, a friend brought in a woman who cried so hard because she felt the pains of divorce. Her husband left her for a younger woman and she feels devastated. We prayed for her. After our prayer, her eyes had a different sparkle. Must be the love of God. Father, let your love fill her. =)

9. It's now Springtime yet many times it doesnt feel like it. There are days that I have to wear my winter jacket out. Anyway, I'm just excited for spring and summer and so two days of retiring at home due to flue gave me the liberty to go over my wardrobe and see what I have. Looks like I need more tee dress and leggings. I felt like my fashion sense would change this year. Well, change is unevitable, I suppose.

Above all this, I say "thank you". Thank you that me and my family and friends are safe. Thank you that my struggles, worries, pains, disappointments, small victories and joy are all in your hand and I can sleep soundly at night knowing that the next day, I am safe with you. Thank you, God. Here's wishing I'd blog more in the coming months. And late as this may seem, cheers 2011!

Long post and thanks for reading!

